Welcome to Care Kids Dental

As dental professionals specializing in pediatrics, we place great emphasis on prevention of disease. Dr. Pak delivers comprehensive oral care and guidance to families with the goal of developing healthy habits and excellent home oral care for optimal oral heath. Our goal is to build a strong foundation that will carry through into adulthood. Dr. Pak and her staff understand that the needs of children at the dental office goes beyond fixing cavities. Each child is received with tender love and care and individualized attention to his or her specific need. On top of that, we have fun while doing it. Let us partner with you to help create a lasting smile for your child.

Dr. Lydia M. Pak
Pediatric Dentist and Owner

Our Location

We have been serving the south bay community for over 13 years. Our  office is located in the medical office park district located on Lomita Boulevard in Torrance.

Our address is:

3640 Lomita Blvd.
Suite 307
Torrance, CA 90505

Our Facility

We designed our office with a very special patient in mind: kids. We want your child to feel comfortable during their visit so that their experience with a dentist will be a positive one.

Our Equipment

Our facility is equip with the latest equipment and dental technology to provide your child the best oral care treatment. We stay apprised of the latest research, technology, and best practices in pediatric dentistry to bring your child the best experience and care they deserve.